Isaac's Rainbow

I have always loved rainbows. The colors that blur together seamlessly, the skirting chance at a glimpse of beauty, the absolute sense of grandeur seeing it painted across the sky, and mostly, the reminder it holds as God's promise to us. 

 After our precious son passed, our Neonatologist asked to examine him for a brief moment. As the doctor was looking at him, there were nurses and so many people crowded around him including my husband. I was required to stay in bed due to having and epidural and ached to be at his side.

My husband went to go open the curtains, and I, in the midst of a storm of emotions,  remember thinking that I couldn't believe my husband was leaving his side. However, that very quickly faded because when the curtain was opened, an extremely vivid, beautiful rainbow was in the sky. We now have this wonderful image to remind us of our little Isaac.

One of the staff was taking pictures for us and was able to capture it through the hospital window. After we told friends and family about the rainbow, we received a few pictures that had been taken that night.  We were able to know it is Isaac's actual rainbow as the date and time stamp of the photo match the time of his passing. Most people said they took a picture because it was one of the brightest rainbows they had ever seen. And I believe it was.

And just like that rainbow, he was here and then gone. Maybe God carried him to Heaven on that rainbow. I like to think so.

Often the child born after loss is referred to as a Rainbow Baby. But to me, my sweet Isaac is my rainbow baby.  Every time is see one, I smile, and think of him reaching down from Heaven to say, "I love you."

I'll always search the sky for his rainbow.




1 comment

  • Beautifully written! I too am a grieving mom. Our 2nd daughter passed in 2004. My heart goes out to you!

    Latosha Hall

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